How to Export and Import Endeca Workbench content? - Oracle commerce 11.x version

EXPORT Commands:

1) Export all the content in public format
 runcommand[.bat/.sh] IFCR exportApplication export_folder_name

2) Export media, preview and editor configurations
runcommand.[.bat/.sh] IFCR legacyExportContent"/" export_folder_name
3)Export CAS configurations
index_config_cmd[.bat/.sh] get-config [-o OwnerName] -f FileName
4) Export all Users and tool permissions
export_users.[.bat/.sh] --config config-prop-file --output output-file --admin-user admin-user --admin-password admin-password
 IMPORT Commands:
1) Import all Users and tool permissions
import_users.[.bat/.sh] --input input-file --config config-file --default_user_pswd user-password -- single-app permissions --admin-user admin-user --admin-password admin-password
input-file is the location of data file 
config-file is the location of the configuration property
2)Import all the content in public format
runcommand.[.bat/.sh] IFCR importApplication export_folder_name
3)Import CAS configurations
index_config_cmd[.bat/.sh] set-config [-o OwnerName] -f FileName
4) Import media, preview and editor configurations
 runcommand.[.bat/.sh] IFCR legacyUpdateContent "/" export_folder_name


  1. Thanks for the blog, really helpful.
    Wanted to check how to export selective content(only partial hierarchy in content structure) from Experience Manager from lower environment to higher environments?

    1. I do not think it is yet built in the product. If you have support account you can check with Oracle Support team.


    2. Thanks Ravi for a quick response, yes i did check with them and found that its not there in the version we are using (3.1.2). Not sure if newer versions have it though.
      But wanted to check if you had any workarounds to export partial content from Endeca, like any customizations(custom script) or get the darden-config.xml and copy the XML nodes into the other one which is tedious and error prone.
      Let me know if your team had any workarounds?


    3. No we have not built any custom work around it. We copy XM content from Higher environment to the lower environment and then add any changes on top of it. You need to have better plan for content migration to avoid any issues with content.


    4. So how do you copy XM content from Higher to Lower Environment?

  2. Ok, but that with export entire site structure right? So you are always copying the entire structure from Prod to Stage?
    How are you handling situations like some content from Stage to Prod, as the projects are in Development and to be migrated to prod later?

  3. Yes. Content migration vary from client to Client. There are two ways:

    1) Copy XM content from PROD to Stage,
    2) Make your changes on State and test
    3) Export Stage Content and Import it on Production (Make sure you take Prod backup)


    1) Take Production XM content backup
    2) Perform direct changes on production XM and Test
    3) If anything goes wrong or business does not like then use last back to import

    Hope it helps.


    1. Have a look at the link mentioned. There are commands that support selective import and export of contents.

  4. Thanks Ravi for a prompt and quick response.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Before import try to update host and port.

  7. When I Promote Authoring to Live, all folders are getting archived, how we can exclude workspace and configuration folders getting added to archive, this creates problem in ATG while loading DefaultFileStoreFactory while reading archive zip.

  8. When I Promote Authoring to Live, all folders are getting archived, how we can exclude workspace and configuration folders getting added to archive, this creates problem in ATG while loading DefaultFileStoreFactory while reading archive zip.

  9. Hi Ravi,

    In 11.2, is there a way to import zip, publish and promote workbench content with a single shell script?

  10. Can I export the users if I have SSO in my application

  11. Hi Ravi,
    In 11.2, when I am exporting users and groups. In the json output, there is no difference between groups having write permissions and groups having read only permissions.
    Is there any way we can include permissions in the output json?
    Please reply.
