Problem statement:
Endeca baseline index is taking long time during cleaning stage of ProductCatalogOutputConfig component.
Here is the screenshot of component from ATG Dynamo Administration:

Any changes on the Product/SKU will be queued in /atg/search/repository/IncrementalItemQueueRepository and once baseline/partial update extracts those changes then it deletes those items one by one.
Baseline Index indexes all the products/skus and does not depends on have any dependency on IncrementalItemQueueRepository data. Before every baseline update run below query to delete products/skus data from srch_update_queue table.
DELETE srch_update_queue WHERE item_desc_name = ‘sku’ OR item_desc_name = ‘product’
Endeca baseline index is taking long time during cleaning stage of ProductCatalogOutputConfig component.
Here is the screenshot of component from ATG Dynamo Administration:

Any changes on the Product/SKU will be queued in /atg/search/repository/IncrementalItemQueueRepository and once baseline/partial update extracts those changes then it deletes those items one by one.
Baseline Index indexes all the products/skus and does not depends on have any dependency on IncrementalItemQueueRepository data. Before every baseline update run below query to delete products/skus data from srch_update_queue table.
DELETE srch_update_queue WHERE item_desc_name = ‘sku’ OR item_desc_name = ‘product’