How to verify Endeca FORGE data? - Endeca FORGE

Forge Process creates binary data in /APP_NAME/data/forge_ouput directory
For forge-less/CAS-based system data is in /APP_NAME/data/cas_ouput.

Step 1: Copy binary file Ex: Discover-sgmt0.records.binary to the below location
    Ex: C:\Endeca\PlatformServices\11.1.0\bin>

Step 2: Run below command
C:\Endeca\PlatformServices\11.1.0\bin>binary2xml.exe C:\Endeca\apps\Discover\data\forge_output\Discover-sgmt0.records.binary  C:\Endeca\out.xml  

Step 3: XML file created in the path mentioned
Ex: C:\Endeca\out.xml  

How to gather Server Statistics During the Endeca Baseline? - Endeca Baseline

Run below command before you kick of baseline update.
 top -b -d 60 -n 20 > ServerStats.out
Above command gathers 'top' statistics every 60 seconds for the next 20 mins. 

How to check the Endeca Dgraph version?

$ ./dgraph --version
Endeca dgraph version
Supports opti-XML version : 2.00
Supports binary IR version: 640
Interface specification :
  READS:dgidx=6.3.0a WRITES:dgraph=IR640
ICU version 4.2.1
OLT version OLT 1.3 121107

Endeca Workbench EAC admin console disappeared from Workbench for ADMIN user - Endeca Workbench

Problem Statement:  EAC admin console disappeared from Workbench for ADMIN user 
 1. Replace the following jar files in the production instance with the ones from your working environment in $ENDECA_TOOLS_CONF/state/sling/_ifcr/startup/25:

2. Reload the jar files -  To reload the jars, use the following Workbench URL:


The bundles with the names of the jars needed to be located and updated by clicking the "Install/Update" button, selecting the "Start Bundle" check box,
Ensure that the "Start Level" value is the same as the value displayed when you expand the specific jar (ie: "25") and browsing for the specific jar file.This needs to be repeated for each specific jar.

3. Stop and restart the jar files 
In the same console windows, in the "Actions" column for each bundle that was updated, click the "Stop" button for each row. The "Status" for that bundle will change to "Resolved". Click the "Start" button for the bundle and the "Status" will say "Active".
At this point the missing components should become visible in Workbench.

4. Stop and restart Tools & Frameworks services

ATG-Endeca Site Crashed due to Endeca content repository Corruption - v3.1.1

Problem Statement:
Site got crashed and not able to import backed-up Experience Manager rules.

Error when you Import rules:
Nov 5, 2015 3:25:32 PM com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.utility.IFCRUtility importNode
INFO: Uploading contents to: http://localhost:8006/ifcr/sites/APP_NAME/configuration/tools/xmgr
Nov 5, 2015 3:25:33 PM com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.utility.IFCRUtility importNode
INFO: Finished uploading contents.
Caused by: com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.utility.IFCRUtility$HttpStatusException: Internal Server Error (500): javax.jcr.ItemNotFoundException: 731f7677-dc43-47d3-968e-3d1

        at com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.utility.IFCRUtility.execute(
        at com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.utility.IFCRUtility.httpPost(
        at com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.utility.IFCRUtility.httpPost(
        at com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.utility.IFCRUtility.deleteNode(
        at com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.component.IFCRComponent.importXml(
        at com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.component.IFCRComponent.importXmlWithPrompt(
        ... 7 more

1) Make sure you have a good copy of content repository export. To do this, execute export_site on an working environment.
 Ex: /opt/app/endeca/APP_NAME/control>./  XMRules.xml
2) Stop workbench.
3) Go to $ENDECA_TOOLS_CONF/state/
4) Rename sling and jackrabbit directory in here to anything other than sling and jackrabbit, or back them up to a different directory.
5) Restart workbench, this will cause the sling IFCR repository to be cleaned up.
   Note: If you have multiple apps, then all of them will be cleaned up. In this situation, run 6) and 7) below for each app.
6) Then run initialize_services./sh|bat --force from the app

         Ex: /opt/app/endeca/APP_NAME/control>./initialize_services./sh|bat --force 
7) Then import_site <export file>
       Ex: /opt/app/endeca/APP_NAME/control>./ XMRules.xml
8) Execute a baseline_update from dyn/admin followed by a promote_content