Spelling Correction and Did You Mean (DYM) - Endeca Features

Spelling Correction operates by computing alternate spellings for user query terms, evaluating the likelihood that these alternate spellings are the best interpretation, and then using the best alternate spell-corrected query forms to return extra search results. 

Example:  A user might search for records containing the text skrts. With spelling correction enabled, the Endeca MDEX Engine will return the expected results: those containing the text skirts.

Did You Mean (DYM) functionality allows an application to provide the user with explicit alternative suggestions for a keyword search. 

Examples #1:  User searched for denms and the Endeca MDEX Engine will return the expected results those containing the text denim and also DYM suggestions for downs

Examples #2:  User searched for blk and the Endeca MDEX Engine returned no results but has DYM suggestions for back, belt & black

How to change admin password in Endeca (Workbench, CAS crawl, Endeca Configuration Repository etc...)? - Endeca Workbench version 11.1

If the admin password is still known, but you want to change it to new value - these are the instructions from the guide(s):

1. Login to Workbench as the admin (by default, the username would be admin, the password would also be admin). Change it to the new password.

- This will also change the password for the Endeca Configuration Repository.

2)  Run below command
Location: /opt/app/endeca/ToolsAndFrameworks/11.1.0/credential_store/bin>
./managed_credentials.sh add --user admin --key ifcr
key in the NewPassword and Repeat. 

3)  Stop the Endeca Tools Service
   Update the credentials in webstudio file

   Look for the ifcr.password property 
   Start the Endeca Tools Service 

4) Update password in CAS crawl


5) Delete existing crawl file and re-create a new crawl file
Location: /opt/app/endeca/CAS/11.1.0/bin
./cas-cmd.sh deleteCrawl -id CRS-last-mile-crawl
./cas-cmd.sh createCrawls -f /opt/app/endeca/apps/CRS/config/cas/last-mile-crawl.xml

6) In the ATG Index Server go to below component and update new password:


7) Run Baseline_update from ATG dyn/admin


How to create Endeca Discover Electronics Reference Application using Deployment Template? - Deployment Template

To deploy the Discover Electronics reference application:

1. Ensure that the Endeca Tools Service is running.

2. If you haven't already, create a directory for deployed Endeca applications, such as C:\Endeca\apps on Windows, or /usr/local/endeca/apps on UNIX.

3. Run the Deployment Template to deploy the application:

    a) Open a command prompt or command shell.

    b) Navigate to the \ToolsAndFrameworks\\deployment_template\bin
       directory on Windows, or /ToolsAndFrameworks/deployment_template/bin on UNIX.

    c) Run the deploy script with the --app flag and an argument that specifies the path to the deploy.xml descriptor file for Discover Electronics:For example:
      C:\Endeca\ToolsAndFrameworks\3.1.0\deployment_template\bin>deploy --app C:\Endeca\ToolsAndFrameworks\3.1.0\reference\discover-data\deploy.xml

    d) Confirm the Platform Services installation directory.

    e) Select y to install a base application.

    f) Specify Discover as the application name.
      Note:The application configuration depends on this name and case sensitivity is important.

    g) Specify the application directory previously created for Endeca applications.This is typically a directory, such as C:\Endeca\apps on Windows or /usr/local/endeca/apps on UNIX.

    h) Oracle recommends using the default options for subsequent prompts.

4. Navigate to the control directory of your new deployed application.
  This is located under your application directory,
  for example:C:\Endeca\apps\Discover\control on Windows.

5. Initialize the application and load the baseline data and templates:
    a) Run the initialize_services script.
      This script does the following:
        • Provisions the application in the Endeca Application Controller.
        • Uploads sample templates and configuration to the application.
        • Uploads sample content and media to the application. (This action occurs only if you are using Experience Manager.)

 b) Run the load_baseline_test_data script.

c) Run the baseline_update script.

d) Run the promote_content script.

6. Confirm that the Discover Electronics reference applications are running:
    • Navigate to http://localhost:8006/discover-authoring to view the authoring version of the Discover application.
    • Navigate to http://localhost:8006/discover to view the live version of the Discover application.

For more details refer below Oracle  documentation:

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