Showing posts with label Forge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forge. Show all posts

How to find Endeca component versions Ex: Dgraphs, Deployment template, Forge, CAS and Tools & Framework? - Endeca component versions


Use below command
C:\Endeca\MDEX\6.5.1\bin>dgraph.exe --version
Endeca dgraph version
Supports opti-XML version : 2.00
Supports binary IR version: 640
Interface specification :
  READS:dgidx=6.3.0a WRITES:dgraph=IR640
ICU version 51.2
OLT version OLT 1.4 140319
OpenSSL 1.0.0k 5 Feb 2013 

Deployment Template:

Use below command
C:\Endeca\apps\Discover\control>runcommand.bat --version
Deployment Template: 11.1.0

Platform Services: 

Use below command
C:\Endeca\PlatformServices\11.1.0\bin>forge.exe --version
INFO    01/19/16 03:14:25.991 UTC (1453173265991)       FORGE   {config}: forge 4.1-Internal-foo@bar-baz-beetle ("i86pc-MINGW32_NT-6.1")
INFO    01/19/16 03:14:25.996 UTC (1453173265995)       FORGE   {config}: Copyright 2001-2012 Oracle Endeca Technologies, Inc.
INFO    01/19/16 03:14:26.000 UTC (1453173265999)       FORGE   {config}: Command Line: forge.exe --version
forge 4.1-Internal-foo@bar-baz-beetle ("i86pc-MINGW32_NT-6.1")
Copyright 2001-2012 Oracle Endeca Technologies, Inc.
INFO    01/19/16 03:14:26.041 UTC (1453173266040)       FORGE   {config}: Initialized cURL, version: libcurl/7.16.4 OpenSSL/0.9.8 zlib/1.2.3
INFO    01/19/16 03:14:26.045 UTC (1453173266044)       FORGE   {config}: Forge completed successfully.


Use below jar to find the version: 

Tools and Framework: 

Version is displayed on the login screen

How to verify Endeca FORGE data? - Endeca FORGE

Forge Process creates binary data in /APP_NAME/data/forge_ouput directory
For forge-less/CAS-based system data is in /APP_NAME/data/cas_ouput.

Step 1: Copy binary file Ex: Discover-sgmt0.records.binary to the below location
    Ex: C:\Endeca\PlatformServices\11.1.0\bin>

Step 2: Run below command
C:\Endeca\PlatformServices\11.1.0\bin>binary2xml.exe C:\Endeca\apps\Discover\data\forge_output\Discover-sgmt0.records.binary  C:\Endeca\out.xml  

Step 3: XML file created in the path mentioned
Ex: C:\Endeca\out.xml  

Endeca Forge recordstore adapter Fails with Exception - com.endeca.edf.adapter.AdapterException: java.lang.RuntimeException:

Problem Statement:
Endeca Forge is failing with the following exception. 

Forge Log:
ERROR FORGE {baseline}: (AdapterRunner): java.lang.RuntimeException: http://localhost:8500/CRS_en_data/?wsdl returned response code 404 com.endeca.edf.adapter.AdapterException: java.lang.RuntimeException:
CAS Log:
ERROR [] [main] com.endeca.itl.bootstrap.CasBootStrapServlet: Failed to initialize CAS: java.sql.SQLException: Database lock acquisition failure: lockFile: org.hsqldb.persist.LockFile@6c679e04[file =/opt/app/endeca/CAS/workspace/state/cas/db/db.lck, exists=true, locked=false, valid=false, ]

Above Exception means forge adapter is not able to communicate with CAS record store instance.  There is lock acquired on hsqldb.
Best way to release lock is kill CAS process and restart it.

Endeca Pipeline - Source Data manipulation

Endeca pipeline support three types of manipulators:  
1) Record Manipulator
- Uses XML expressions
- Very fast and highly scalable but has limited functionality

2) Java Manipulator
- Uses Java language 
- Slower than Record manipulator but most flexible and well-known language in market

3) Perl Manipulator
- Uses Perl language
- Slowest compered to both Record and Java manipulator but very much flexible and convenient for string manipulation

Endeca Pipeline - Forge Supported Join Types

Endeca pipeline supports below join types:
1) Left Join
2) Outer Join
3) Inner Join
4) Switch Join 
5) Switch Sort Join

Less used Join Types:
1) Disjunct
2) First Record
3) Combine  Refer - Page #64

How to add Endeca Record Sort options in ATG 11.1? - Core Endeca

1) Go to /opt/app/endeca/apps/CRS/config/mdex/record_sort_config.xml and add the desired properties that can sort the result set.
  <RECORD_SORT NAME="product.displayName"/>
  <RECORD_SORT NAME="product.salePrice"/>
  <RECORD_SORT NAME="product.bvRatings"/>

2) Run a baseline index to create the sorts in the MDEX.

How to Enable Endeca property for record filtering in ATG 11.1? - Core Endeca

1) Add the desired property in the /opt/app/endeca/CRS/config/index_config/index_config.json and add "isRecordFilterable" : true in the property.
For example:       
"product.repositoryId" : {
          "propertyDataType" : "ALPHA",
          "mergeAction" : "UPDATE",
          "isRollupKey" : true,
          "jcr:primaryType" : "endeca:property",
          "isRecordFilterable" : true


2) Once you update index-config.json make sure to set configurations at Endeca repository level.
    Here is the command:
   /opt/app/endeca/apps/CRS/control :>
                          ./ set-config -f ../config/index_config/index-config.json -o all

3) Run Endeca indexing

How to Backup/Restore Endeca Dimension value Id's mapping? - Endeca CAS

You can back up dimension value Id mappings to a CSV file using the CAS Server Command-line Utility. 
To back up dimension value Id mappings:
/opt/app/endeca/CAS/11.1.0/bin>./ exportDimensionValueIdMappings -m APPNAME-dimension-value-id-manager -f dimvalIdMgr.csv 

To restore dimension value Id mappings:
/opt/app/endeca/CAS/11.1.0/bin>./ importDimensionValueIdMappings -m APPNAME-dimension-value-id-manager -f dimvalIdMgr.csv

You can find dimension value Id manager from below location:


Component 'Forge' is already started - Endeca FORGE

Problem Statement:

When you try to run endeca baseline update you will see message as below:

[07.11.15 11:38:32] INFO: Released lock 'update_lock'.
 Copy crawl files to incoming and processing folder
[07.11.15 11:38:33] INFO: Checking definition from AppConfig.xml against existing EAC provisioning.
[07.11.15 11:38:34] INFO: Definition has not changed.
[07.11.15 11:38:34] INFO: Starting baseline update script.
[07.11.15 11:38:34] INFO: Acquired lock 'update_lock'.
[07.11.15 11:38:34] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'cleanDir_processing'.
[07.11.15 11:38:35] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'cleanDir_forge-output'.
[07.11.15 11:38:36] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'cleanDir_temp'.
[07.11.15 11:38:38] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'move_-_to_processing'.
[07.11.15 11:38:39] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting copy utility 'fetch_config_to_input_for_forge_Forge'.
[07.11.15 11:38:39] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting backup utility 'backup_log_dir_for_component_ConfigurationGeneratorForge'.
[07.11.15 11:38:40] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting component 'ConfigurationGeneratorForge'.
[07.11.15 11:39:10] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting backup utility 'backup_log_dir_for_component_Forge'.
[07.11.15 11:39:11] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting component 'Forge'.
[07.11.15 11:39:11] INFO: Component 'Forge' is already started.

It will happen if someone killed baseline update process while forge is running. Easy way to release or kill process is to get into Endeca experience manager and stop Forge process.

Endeca Forge State: how to restore forge state?

Restoring state is a simple matter of copying the appropriate files from a backup directory to the state directory prior to the next baseline/delta update.

To revert to a previous version of state:

1. Locate the appropriate backup of the data/state directory that you wish to rollback to.

2. For autogen state, copy the autogen* files into data/state

3. For delta update state files, copy the appropriate delta_state*.bin file to into data/state