Showing posts with label MDEX and Dgraphs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MDEX and Dgraphs. Show all posts

Endeca Utility - How to restore Endeca Dgraph?

An Endeca index can be recovered by reverting to a particular baseline/delta or partial update.  To do so, restart the MDEX Engine on the index files that were backed up after a particular baseline/delta and roll forward using any partial update files accrued since that baseline/delta.

To revert to a previously applied update:

1. Stop the MDEX Engine

2. Clean up the active dgraph_input directories

3. In the backup directory, locate the files from the last successful update.   This is the dgidx_output directory backup on the ITL server.

4. Copy the files into dgraph_input

5. If partial updates need to be applied, see instructions below on “Applying partial updates between last baseline/delta or snapshot and present”. Otherwise, restart the MDEX Engine.

Applying partial updates between last baseline/delta and present:

1. In the backup directory for partial update XML files (the cumulative_partials backup directory), locate the files representing the updates that occurred since the update you are reverting to. 

2. Copy all backed-up partial update XML configuration files from all partial updates that occurred since the update to which you want to revert into the dgraph_input/updates directory on the MDEX server.

3. Restart the MDEX Engine. Upon restarting, the Engine will load the current index and then apply all updates loaded into its updates directory.

Interaction between MDEX Engine and Workbench

Endeca Workbench queries the MDEX Engine for information and publishes configuration to it.

Experience Manager queries the MDEX Engine for record and dimension information that a content administrator can use to configure dynamic content.

  1. Specifying a navigation state as part of a location trigger
  2. Selecting records or a navigation state for content spotlighting
  3. Selecting records or dimension values for boost and bury
Workbench publishes configuration to the MDEX Engine, including:
  1. Content item configuration from Experience Manager
  2. Content collections
  3. Thesaurus entries

How to Start and Stop Endeca Dgraphs? - MDEX and Dgraphs

Here are two ways to do it:
1) Run Script on the Endeca box
/opt/app/endeca/apps/Discover/control>./runcommand.bat|sh DistributeIndexAndApply

[04.03.16 13:33:51] INFO: Checking definition from AppConfig.xml against existing
EAC provisioning.
[04.03.16 13:33:53] INFO: Updating provisioning for component 'WeeklyReportGenerator'.
[04.03.16 13:33:59] INFO: Updating definition for component 'WeeklyReportGenerator'.
[04.03.16 13:34:21] INFO: Definition updated.
[04.03.16 13:34:24] INFO: [AuthoringMDEXHost] Starting shell utility 'cleanDir_local-dgraph-input'.
[04.03.16 13:34:56] INFO: [AuthoringMDEXHost] Starting copy utility
[04.03.16 13:35:14] INFO: Applying index to dgraphs in restart group 'A'.
[04.03.16 13:35:14] INFO: [AuthoringMDEXHost] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_dgraph-input-new'.
[04.03.16 13:35:33] INFO: [AuthoringMDEXHost] Starting copy utility
[04.03.16 13:35:57] INFO: Stopping component 'AuthoringDgraph'. 

[04.03.16 13:36:20] INFO: [AuthoringMDEXHost] Starting shell utility
[04.03.16 13:36:42] INFO: [AuthoringMDEXHost] Starting shell utility
[04.03.16 13:37:01] INFO: [AuthoringMDEXHost] Starting backup utility
[04.03.16 13:37:19] INFO: [AuthoringMDEXHost] Starting component 'AuthoringDgraph'.
[04.03.16 13:37:54] INFO: Publishing Workbench 'authoring' configuration to MDEX 'AuthoringDgraph'
[04.03.16 13:37:54] INFO: Pushing authoring content to dgraph: AuthoringDgraph
[04.03.16 13:38:06] INFO: Finished pushing content to dgraph.
[04.03.16 13:38:13] INFO: [AuthoringMDEXHost] Starting shell utility 'rmdir_dgraph-input-old'.
[04.03.16 13:38:35] INFO: [LiveMDEXHostA] Starting shell utility 'cleanDir_local-dgraph-input'.
[04.03.16 13:39:12] INFO: [LiveMDEXHostA] Starting copy utility
[04.03.16 13:39:30] INFO: Applying index to dgraphs in restart group '1'.
[04.03.16 13:39:30] INFO: [LiveMDEXHostA] Starting shell utility 'mkpath_dgraph-input-new'.
[04.03.16 13:39:55] INFO: [LiveMDEXHostA] Starting copy utility
[04.03.16 13:40:20] INFO: Stopping component 'DgraphA1'.
[04.03.16 13:40:41] INFO: [LiveMDEXHostA] Starting shell utility
[04.03.16 13:41:06] INFO: [LiveMDEXHostA] Starting shell utility
[04.03.16 13:41:31] INFO: [LiveMDEXHostA] Starting backup utility
[04.03.16 13:41:50] INFO: [LiveMDEXHostA] Starting component 'DgraphA1'.
[04.03.16 13:42:24] INFO: Publishing Workbench 'live' configuration to MDEX 'DgraphA1'
[04.03.16 13:42:24] INFO: Job #: update-dgraph-1459708944605 Sending update to server  -
file: C:\Users\rhonakamble\AppData\Local\Temp\soap-mdex4253393206289650693.xml
[04.03.16 13:42:25] INFO: The request to the Dgraph at localhost:15000 was successfully sent
The return code was : 200
[04.03.16 13:42:31] INFO: [LiveMDEXHostA] Starting shell utility 'rmdir_dgraph-input-old'.

2) Use Endeca Experience Manager EAC console to restart 

Ignore character accents when indexing text - Endeca Record Search Best Practice

How to ignore character accents when indexing text? 
By Default café is indexed separately from cafe. 
Setting --diacritic-folding flag at Dgidx will index café as cafe and setting it at Dgraph level makes search matches with either term (Cafe or café).

How to configure at both Dgidx and Dgraph level?
Using the --diacritic-folding flag on Dgidx causes accented characters to be mapped to simple ASCII equivalents.

Using the --diacritic-folding flag on the Dgraph allows Anglicized search queries such as cafe to match against result text containing international characters (accented) such as café.

Endeca Baseline/partial update failed : How to run Endeca baseline/partial update even if one of the Dgraph instance is down?

There isn't any existing OOTB functionality that would allow you to skip a Dgraph that is down and continue to carry out running baseline or partial updates. This requires customization.

(1) You can either manually modify your Appconfig.xml to remove the down Dgraph or perhaps create a custom script that either does this for you or otherwise error traps the Dgraph that is down.

(2) You can check whether each Dgraph is active or not by using the Dgraph.isActive() method and if you get any exception then the EAC agent is dead.  You then need to skip updating that agent and send a high priority email.

Tuning tips for Endeca snippeting - Endeca MDEX and Dgraphs

How to minimize the performance impact of snippeting?

-Limit the number of words in a property that the MDEX Engine evaluates to identify the snippet. (Default cutoff value is 500)

--snip_cutoff  100

Evaluates the first 100 words of the property to identify the snippet
