Showing posts with label Tools and Frameworks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tools and Frameworks. Show all posts

How to start Endeca HTTP service and Endeca Tools Service?

Go to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services

Select the Endeca HTTP service and the Endeca Tools Service and click Start.  

To start the Endeca HTTP service, run  

To start the Endeca Tools Service, run  

How to remove Endeca application entry from Workbench when user deleted complete project folder from the Endeca box without following clean removal steps and application entry is still registered with IFCR?

Problem Statement:  How to remove Endeca application entry from Workbench when user deleted complete project folder from the Endeca box without following clean removal steps and application entry is still registered with IFCR?

ERROR Message: 05.26.16 09:16:24] SEVERE: Caught an exception while invoking method 'run' on object 'InitialSetup'. Releasing locks.
Caused by java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl invoke0 - null
Caused by com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.exception.AppControlException
com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.script.Script runBeanShellScript - Error executing valid BeanShell script.
Caused by com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.utility.IFCRUtility$HttpStatusException
com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.utility.IFCRUtility execute - Precondition Failed (412): Cannot copy JcrNodeResource, type=endeca/site, superType=null, path=/prototype/default to /sites/CRSen: destination exists

1) Create the new Endeca application [ex: CRSen] with the same name using deployment template
/opt/app/endeca/ToolsAndFrameworks/3.1.2/deployment_template/bin]$ ./ --app ../../reference/discover-data/deploy.xml 

2) Run Application provision command   

3) Use|bat to remove app
/opt/app/endeca/apps/CRSen/control$]./ --remove-app

 How to create new application using deployment template?

/opt/app/endeca/ToolsAndFrameworks/3.1.2/deployment_template/bin]$ ./ --app ../../reference/discover-data/deploy.xml

   Found version 6.1 of the Endeca IAP installed in directory
   /opt/app/endeca/PlatformServices/6.1.3. If either the version or location are
   incorrect, type 'Q' to quit and adjust your ENDECA_ROOT environment variable.
   Press enter to continue with these settings.

>Hit Enter

     Deployment Template installation script.

     This script creates the directory structure for your
     deployment and installs configuration files and scripts
     into the directory structure.
05/26/2016 09:14:19 [] INFO:  Starting deployment template

   The following app modules were specified on the command line argument:


   Modules may be deployed standalone or on top of a base deployment type. Do
   you want to install a base deployment with the specified module(s)?

   Install base deployment? [Y/N]:
05/26/2016 09:14:22 [AppDescriptorReader] INFO:  Parsing application descriptor
   file ../../reference/discover-data/deploy.xml.
05/26/2016 09:14:22 [AppDescriptorReader] INFO:  Parsing application descriptor

   Enter a short name for your application.

   Note: The name must conform to this regular expression: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$
    [default: Discover]

   Choosing a different application name may require additional configuration on
   your web application.

   Application name:

   Specify the path into which the application will be deployed. The specified
   directory must exist and cannot contain spaces.

   For example, to deploy into /localdisk/apps/CRSen, specify the path as

   Deployment directory:

   Specify the port on which the Endeca Application Controller is running. This
   is configured in the server.xml file in the workspace of the Endeca software
   install and should be the same for all applications deployed in this
   environment. Ports must be in the range 1024-65535 [default: 8888].

   EAC port:
05/26/2016 09:14:40 [] INFO:  Deploying application into

   What port is the Workbench running? [Default: 8006]

   What port should be used for the Live Dgraph? [Default: 15000]

   What port should be used for the Authoring Dgraph? [Default: 15002]

   What port should be used for LogServer? [Default: 15010]
05/26/2016 09:14:54 [AppDescriptorReader] INFO:  Parsing application descriptor
05/26/2016 09:14:54 [] INFO:  Processing install with id 'Dgraph'
05/26/2016 09:14:54 [AppDescriptorReader] INFO:  Parsing application descriptor
   file ../../reference/discover-data/deploy.xml.
05/26/2016 09:14:54 [] INFO:  Processing install with id
05/26/2016 09:14:54 [] INFO:  Application successfully deployed.

How to configure inactive user is logged out of Oracle Endeca? - Endeca Workbench

1. Stop the Endeca Tools Service.

2. Navigate to %ENDECA_TOOLS_CONF%\conf (on Windows) or  $ENDECA_TOOLS_CONF/conf (on UNIX).

3. Open the file, and locate the 
com.endeca.webstudio.timeout.warning property

# The warning for impending auto-logout 

4. Change the value to the number of seconds of inactivity that you want to elapse before an impending automatic logout warning appears to an inactive user.

5. Locate the com.endeca.webstudio.timeout.logout property. 

# The time where a user will be automatically logged out due to inactivity com.endeca.webstudio.timeout.logout=3600

6. Change the value to the number of seconds of inactivity that you want to elapse before an inactive user is logged out of Workbench.

7. Save and close the file.

8. Start the Endeca Tools Service.

Managing users in the Workbench - Best practices

Oracle recommends the following best practices for managing users in the Workbench -

• Consider adding all users to groups to make managing permissions simpler

• Do not share the predefined admin user account. This makes it difficult to track who has made changes to Workbench. Create an account for each user or group that administers Workbench

• Do not let business users share accounts. Again, this makes it difficult to track changes in Workbench

• Create administrators in addition to the predefined admin. If one administrator loses a password, another administrator needs to reset it

• If you use LDAP, consider creating an LDAP group of administrators to add to the Administrators group in Workbench

About configuring Workbench resource caching in a Web browser - Endeca Workbench

If users are connecting to Workbench over a high-latency network, setting certain cache settings in the Web browser may improve performance. 

Workbench pages reference a number of assets such as images, CSS files, and JavaScript files. These assets are relatively static and are typically cached by the browser. They are served with HTTP headers that instruct the browser not to check for new versions of these files for a period of six hours. This results in better page load performance for users who connect to Workbench over a high-latency network. 

Oracle recommends setting your browser to check for new versions of pages automatically, and allocating 256MB or more of disk space to temporary files.

Endeca XM content promoted using the file-based method - Oracle Commerce v11.x

How to promote Endeca XM content using the file-based method?
Here are the steps:
     1) Update all store instances with correct shared location path

    2) Update LiveAppServerCluster.xml with all store instance details (refer DEV)

    3) Update Workbench config file  as below:
       //  IFCR.promoteFromAuthoringToLive();

applicationExportDir" value="/opt/app/endeca/apps/CRS/data/workbench/application_export_archive"

4) On the machine where the Oracle Commerce Platform is installed, mount the shared application_export_archive directory.

application_export_archive directory is used to store a ZIP file that contains content that is created by Experience Manager and then accessed by the Assembler. 

5)  Run Baseline update

[04.01.16 17:44:41] INFO: Checking definition from AppConfig.xml against existing EAC provisioning.
[04.01.16 17:44:43] INFO: Definition has not changed.
[04.01.16 17:44:43] INFO: Exporting MDEX tool contents to file
[04.01.16 17:44:44] INFO: Exporting resource 'http://localhost:8006/ifcr/sites/CRS' to '/opt/app/endeca/apps/CRS/data/workbench/application_export_archive/CRS/'
[04.01.16 17:44:45] INFO: Finished exporting resource.
[04.01.16 17:44:45] INFO: Job #: update-dgraph-1459550685260 Sending update to server  - file: /tmp/soap-mdex2489908051012056922.xml
[04.01.16 17:44:45] INFO: The request to the Dgraph at localhost:15000 was successfully sent. The return code was : 200
[04.01.16 17:44:45] INFO: Job #: update-dgraph-1459550685260 Sending update to server  - file: /tmp/soap-mdex2489908051012056922.xml
[04.01.16 17:44:45] INFO: The request to the Dgraph at localhost:15000 was successfully sent. The return code was : 200
[04.01.16 17:44:45] INFO: Job #: update-dgraph-1459550685260 Sending update to server  - file: /tmp/soap-mdex2489908051012056922.xml
[04.01.16 17:44:46] INFO: The request to the Dgraph at localhost:15002 was successfully sent. The return code was : 200
[04.01.16 17:44:46] INFO: Begin updating Assemblers.
[04.01.16 17:44:46] INFO: Calling Assemblers to update contents.
[04.01.16 17:44:46] INFO: Updated Assembler at URL: localhost:8080/dyn/admin/assemblerAdmin/admin
[04.01.16 17:44:46] INFO: Finished updating Assemblers. Updating reference file.

Endeca Workbench - How to Export and Import Users across environments?

Export Users:
1) Update



source.version = 11.1.0

2) Run Export USER command
export_users.bat|sh --config ..\conf\

Import Users:
1) Update


Run the import_users script with the following parameters:

•--admin-user — Required.The administrator user name in Workbench.
•--admin-password — Required.The administrator password in Workbench.
•--input-Required. The path to the user data file.
•--config-Requred. The path to the file.
•--default-user-password — The password value for any users that do not have a password set in the exported users file.
•--single-app — Optional. A single application for which to import users.

 ./import_users.bat|sh --admin-user admin --admin-password admin123 --input user_20131201.json --config ..\conf\ --default-user-password CHANGEME --single-app Discover

How to Export and Import Endeca Workbench content? - Oracle commerce 11.x version

EXPORT Commands:

1) Export all the content in public format
 runcommand[.bat/.sh] IFCR exportApplication export_folder_name

2) Export media, preview and editor configurations
runcommand.[.bat/.sh] IFCR legacyExportContent"/" export_folder_name
3)Export CAS configurations
index_config_cmd[.bat/.sh] get-config [-o OwnerName] -f FileName
4) Export all Users and tool permissions
export_users.[.bat/.sh] --config config-prop-file --output output-file --admin-user admin-user --admin-password admin-password
 IMPORT Commands:
1) Import all Users and tool permissions
import_users.[.bat/.sh] --input input-file --config config-file --default_user_pswd user-password -- single-app permissions --admin-user admin-user --admin-password admin-password
input-file is the location of data file 
config-file is the location of the configuration property
2)Import all the content in public format
runcommand.[.bat/.sh] IFCR importApplication export_folder_name
3)Import CAS configurations
index_config_cmd[.bat/.sh] set-config [-o OwnerName] -f FileName
4) Import media, preview and editor configurations
 runcommand.[.bat/.sh] IFCR legacyUpdateContent "/" export_folder_name

How to check endeca process(MDEX, Platformservices, MDEX, CAS etc..) running on the box? - Endeca Process

Run below command:
ps -ef | grep endeca
You should see all below process running else need to restart manually.
 1) MDEX(Dgraphs)  Ex: /opt/app/endeca/MDEX/6.5.1/bin/dgraph
2) Platform Services Ex: /opt/app/endeca/PlatformServices/11.1.0/j2sdk/bin/java
3) Tools and Framework Ex: /opt/app/endeca/ToolsAndFrameworks/11.1.0/server/j2sdk/bin/java

How to check CAS is running?
ps -ef | grep cas  
You should see process with /bin/bash ./  if not then restart CAS.