ATG Pipeline - How to bypass AssemblerPipelineServlet request for specific web application (Ex: BCC, CSC etc..)? - ATG Endeca Integration

A web application must explicitly set the atg.assembler context parameter to true in its web.xml file, otherwise the AssemblerPipelineServlet will pass the request. 

atg.assembler context parameter indicates that we want to execute the AssemblerPiplineServlet which will use the assembler api to return content from Experience Manager or Guided Search.

To set the atg.assembler context parameter to true, add the following to the application’s web.xml file:

Applications that never have a need to invoke the Assembler, should set atg.assembler to false to bypass the servlet and avoid making requests to the Assembler.

ATG Endeca - How to find the Endeca Indexing History?

Oracle commerce v11.x has a new feature which will keep track of Endeca indexing history.

Use below component to check the Index History:
