ATG Endeca - Integration modules

Make sure below modules are included as part of the build to get ATG Endeca indexing integration working:

 1) DAF.Endeca.Index 
Includes the necessary classes for exporting data to CAS record stores and triggering indexing via the EAC, along with associated configuration.
2) DAF.Endeca.Index.Versioned 
Adds configuration for running on an ATG Content Administration instance. This module adds basic record generation configuration for ATG Content Administration servers, including a deployment listener.
3) DAF.Endeca.Assembler 
   Contains classes and configuration for creating an Assembler instance that has access to the data in your application’s MDEX engines. Also provides classes for querying the Assembler for data and managing the content returned.
4) DCS.Endeca.Index
 Configures components for creating CAS data records from products in the catalog repository and  dimension-value records from the category hierarchy.
5) DCS.Endeca.Index.SKUIndexing 
Modifies configuration so that CAS data records are generated based on SKUs rather than products.
6) DCS.Endeca.Index.Versioned 
      Adds Commerce-specific configuration for running on an ATG Content Administration instance.
7) DCS.Endeca.Assembler 
   Contains Commerce-specific configuration for query-related components.

Endeca Assembler : How to debug MDEX Engine query results?

The MDEX Engine provides several methods for understanding why certain results were returned for a query so that you can determine how to tune search features to provide the desired results.
There are four main query debugging features:
1) Why Match 
2) Why Rank
3) Why Precedence Rule Fired
4) Word Interpretation 

How to Enable query debugging features?
In ATG, use below component to return debugging information from the assembler.

In addition, Word Interpretation must be enabled via the --wordInterp Dgraph flag.
The relevant configuration for the individual cartridge handlers in the CRS reference application is shown below:
1) Results List — Why Match, Why Rank

2) Refinement Menu — Why Precedence Rule Fired 

3) Search Adjustments — Word Interpretation 

Endeca Search and Browse Features : Search Within

The search within function enables users to find specific information within an existing search result set.

Benefits and Usage:
Use the search within function when:
  • Users prefer or expect keyword search refinement to reach specific information targets.
  • The body of content is large or rich enough that the risk of returning no results is minimized, and keyword search refinement will most likely enable users to quickly find specific targets.

User Searches for "Metal Detector" 

Further user wants to search specific information within search result set and searches for "alminum"

  • If the search and search within functions are both accessed through a common search box, users may have difficulty recognizing and distinguishing between the two functions.
  • The search within function can generate no results, unlike faceted navigation.