Viewing the Endeca MDEX Engine Auditing page - Endeca JSP Reference application

To view the MDEX Engine Auditing page:
Access the following URL:
For example, if your Dgraph is running on your local machine and listening on port 15000, specify this:

The information on the MDEX Engine Auditing page is persistent and is valid across the MDEX Engine restarts.

Viewing Endeca MDEX Engine(Dgraph) Server Statistics - Endeca JSP Reference application

You can request the MDEX Engine Statistics page for the Dgraph with the URL listed below-
For example, if your Dgraph is running on your local machine and listening on port 15000, specify this:

You can find Host and port in AppConfig.xml file 
How to reset stats?

Endeca MDEX (Dgrpahs) - Few items on Endeca Dgrpah side to improve index and query time

   1) Thread configured should be equal to the Number of cores - 1
       Example:  If Cores are 4 then define it as 3

    2)      Disable Why did it match on production
     Remove   <arg>--whymatch</arg> from Dgrpah Defaults
    3)      Remove Spell correction and Did you mean from Dgrpah defaults if it is not used on the front end

    4)      Remove Compound dimension if it is not used in the application from the DataIngest.xml

<dgidx id="Dgidx" host-id="ITLHost">
      <property name="numLogBackups" value="10" />
      <property name="numIndexBackups" value="3" />