Component Scope:
1) global
2) session
3) request
global can access only global
session can access session and global
request can access request, session and global
- Its instance is shared by users across all the sessions that exist for the application (Not similar to application scope of J2EE as global scope components are accessible across application but across ATG server instances)
- Any user which accesses the application can change the values of a global scoped component
- Session by default valid for 30 mins
How to track and manage user sessions?
Use component: /atg/dynamo/servlet/sessiontracking

Ex: OOTB Session based component /atg/userprofiling/Profile
- A new instance will be generated for the component
- Formhandler is always request scoped
1) global
2) session
3) request
global can access only global
session can access session and global
request can access request, session and global
- Default scope - Its instance is shared by users across all the sessions that exist for the application (Not similar to application scope of J2EE as global scope components are accessible across application but across ATG server instances)
- Any user which accesses the application can change the values of a global scoped component
- A separate instance is provided for each session or user- Session by default valid for 30 mins
How to track and manage user sessions?
Use component: /atg/dynamo/servlet/sessiontracking

Ex: OOTB Session based component /atg/userprofiling/Profile
- Each request gets own copy of component- A new instance will be generated for the component
- Formhandler is always request scoped
I've been thinking of getting a parallax free red dot and so far, my top three products that I've been mulling about consisted of: HOLOSUN HS403G Paralow Micro Red Dot Sight, the EOTech 512.A65 Tactical HOLOgraphic and the LUCID Microdot. All three are stellar products so I'm having a difficult time making up may mind. Here's the site where I saw these products and some great reviews, so check out