Endeca OOTB Preview Workflow steps:
1) BCC Merchandiser
will change the content(Category/Product/SKU etc..) and push it to the Stage workflow
2) BCC Merchandiser use
workflow and push content from Stage to Production
3) Run Endeca Index. It can be kicked off in two ways
- On BCC project deployment
- Scheduled indexing (http://ravihonakamble.blogspot.com/2015/07/how-to-schedule-endeca-index-using-atg.html)
4) An Authoring MDEX,
where Workbench users preview & Audit their Experience Manager content, Thesaurus, etc.
5) Validate content on Stage Preview ATG Store instance pointing at Authoring MDEX
6) Promotion process
from Authoring to Live/Production MDEX takes place when you run the
/opt/app/endeca/apps/APPNAME/control/promote_content.sh shell script
7) Endeca XM Content available to the Live user through ATG Live Store instances
7) Endeca XM Content available to the Live user through ATG Live Store instances