ATG Shipping Groups, methods and calculators

Adding shipping information to shopping carts involves the following sub-processes:
1) Creating a list of shipping groups for potential use in the current order
2) Specifying the shipping groups to use with the current order
3) Selecting the shipping methods, such as Ground or Next Day, for the order’s shipping groups 

What is Shipping Group?
A ShippingGroup contains information on the shipping address and delivery method for a group of commerce items. 

By default, a new Order has one defaultShippingGroup. As items are added to the Order, these items automatically become part of the default ShippingGroup. Once a second ShippingGroup is added to theOrder, all the items in the Order are removed from the default ShippingGroup and must be explicitly added to one of two shipping groups. 
How to create new Shipping Groups?
You can create a list of shipping groups for potential use in an Order in one of two ways:
  • from information gathered from the user via forms

  • from information stored in the user’s profile
 Below two form handlers allow user to add new shipping groups  
  • /atg/commerce/order/purchase/CreateHardgoodShippingGroupFormHandler
  • /atg/commerce/order/purchase/CreateElectronicShippingGroupFormHandler
 Both extends PurchaseProcessFormHandler 

How to add Shipping Group to an Order?
1) Create Shipping Group
2) Make any changes to the Shipping Group, such as setting the address
3) Add the Shipping Group to the Order

 Here is the code snippet:
// Get a reference to the OrderManager 
OrderManager orderManager = (OrderManager)   request.resolveName("/atg/commerce/order/OrderManager");  
// Create the ShippingGroup 
ShippingGroup shippingGroup shippingGroupManager.createShippingGroup(); 
// Add the ShippingGroup to the Order shippingGroup.addShippingGroupToOrder(pOrder, shippingGroup);

How to find available Shipping methods for a particular Shipping Group?
Use droplet  /atg/commerce/pricing/AvailableShippingMethods

How to initiate Shipping group from Profile?
Use droplet /atg/commerce/order/purchase/ShippingGroupDroplet
What is Shipping method? 
Each Shipping method is represented by ShippingCalculator component class.

Shipping methods examples are:
  • Ground
  • 2 day delivery
  • Overnight
  • Calculate Shipping price based on couriers web service
  • etc...
Different types of Shipping calculators are:
  • FixedPriceShippingCalculator - Flat rate for shipping
            Ex: Ground shipping is always $15
  • PriceRangeShippingCalculator - Define shipping price based price range
             Ex: $0 - $50  ($5)
                   $51 - $100  ($10)
                   $101 - $1000  (FREE)
  • WeightRangeShippingCalculator - Weight Property added at SKU level and price set based on weight
  • PropertyRangeShippingCalculator - Shipping price decided Based on SKU property
          Ex: Volume
    How to Filter Shipping methods?
    In few scenarios, All shipping methods should not be available. To limit shipping methods developer can sub-class Shipping calculator and override the getAvailableMethods().

    Ex: Courier shipping not allowed for PO boxes

    How to write custom shipping calculator?
    Here are the steps:
    1. Create a new custom calculator component 
    # name of shipping method
    # costs 

    2. Create a custom Java class and this should extends the shippingCalculatorImpl class
    ShippingCalculatorImpl class have two method for override.
    1.getAmount()  - calculate the shipping price

    2.getAvailableMethods()  - Used to restrict your custom shipping method

    public class FixedPriceShippingCalculator extends ShippingCalculatorImpl { 

    protected double getAmount(Order order, ShippingPriceInfo priceQuote, ShippingGroup shippingGroup, RepositoryItem pricingModel, Locale locale, RepositoryItem profile, Map extraParameters) throws PricingException { }

    public void getAvailableMethods(List pMethods, ShippingGroup pShippingGroup, RepositoryItem pPricingModel, Locale pLocale, RepositoryItem pProfile, Map pExtraParameters) throws PricingException {
    3. Add the shipping calculator to Shipping Engine

    How to Hide the list of applications on the login page? - Endeca Workbench

    By default, Workbench shows all available Endeca applications in a drop-down list on the login page. Business users can log in to any application that an administrator has added them to.

    In cases where you do not want Workbench users to see all available Workbench applications on the login page, you can hide the drop-down list of applications.

    To hide the drop-down list of applications on the login page:

    1) Stop the Endeca Tools Service

    2) Open the file located in %ENDECA_TOOLS_CONF%\conf (on
    Windows) or $ENDECA_TOOLS_CONF\conf (on UNIX)

    3) Locate the com.endeca.webstudio.hide.login.application.dropdown property:

    # Hides the dropdown for selecting an application
    # on the default login page.

    4. Set the value of the property to true:com.endeca.webstudio.hide.login.application.dropdown=true

    5. Save and close the file

    6. Start the Endeca Tools Service

    Interaction between MDEX Engine and Workbench

    Endeca Workbench queries the MDEX Engine for information and publishes configuration to it.

    Experience Manager queries the MDEX Engine for record and dimension information that a content administrator can use to configure dynamic content.

    1. Specifying a navigation state as part of a location trigger
    2. Selecting records or a navigation state for content spotlighting
    3. Selecting records or dimension values for boost and bury
    Workbench publishes configuration to the MDEX Engine, including:
    1. Content item configuration from Experience Manager
    2. Content collections
    3. Thesaurus entries

    Inserting Servlets in the DAF Pipeline

    Inserting Servlets in the Pipeline
    All pipeline servlet classes directly or indirectly implement interface atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServlet.

    The PipelineableServlet interface has two sub-interfaces that provide more flexibility for inserting new servlets into the pipeline:

    1. atg.servlet.pipeline.InsertableServlet
    2. atg.servlet.pipeline.DispatcherPipelineableServlet
    The InsertableServlet interface lets a servlet insert itself into the pipeline when the service starts, without requiring changes to servlets already in the pipeline, through the insertAfterServlet property, which points back to the preceding servlet. The inserted servlet reads the preceding servlet’s nextServlet property and points to it as the next servlet to execute after itself.

    Here are the steps to add an InsertableServlet to the servlet pipeline:
    1) Write your servlet by extending atg.servlet.pipeline.InsertableServletImpl

    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
    import atg.core.util.StringUtils;
    import atg.eai.framework.toolkit.IdLookup;
    import atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest;
    import atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse;
    import atg.servlet.pipeline.InsertableServletImpl;     

    public class SearchkeywordRedirectPipeline extends InsertableServletImpl {
                   public void service(DynamoHttpServletRequest request, DynamoHttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException {
                 String searchTerm = null;
                searchTerm = request.getParameter("Ntt");
                //Business logic goes here
                logDebug("URL for searchTerm : " + searchTerm);
                passRequest(request, response);
    2) Define the servlet as a globally scoped Nucleus component

    Set the insertAfterServlet property of your servlet to point to the path of the pipeline servlet you want your servlet to follow. For example, you can insert a servlet after CookieBufferServlet as follows:


    When the inserted servlet finishes processing, it calls the method passRequest() (defined in InsertableServletImpl), which automatically passes the request and response objects to the next servlet in the pipeline.

    Servlet Pipeline - All pipeline servlets in order of execution

    You can use the Dynamo Server Admin Component Browser to view request handling pipeline servlets and their sequence within the pipeline:

    Component path: /atg/dynamo/servlet/dafpipeline/DynamoHandler/

    /foo/endeca/assembler/SearchkeywordRedirectPipeline                     - New Servlet
        dynamo-internal/html : /atg/dynamo/servlet/dafpipeline/FileFinderServlet

    DAF : Request-Handling Pipeline Servlets

    You can use the Dynamo Server Admin Component Browser to view request handling pipeline servlets and their sequence within the pipeline:

    Component path: /atg/dynamo/servlet/dafpipeline/DynamoHandler/

    By default, PageFilter is mapped to handle JSP requests. When the application server invokes PageFilter, it checks the request and response for a reference to a Dynamo request and response pair. The pair does not exist, so PageFilter starts the DAF servlet pipeline by calling DynamoHandler, the first servlet in the pipeline.


    Servlet Pipeline(v11.1) - All pipeline servlets in order of execution.

               HTTP Request
    /atg/dynamo/servlet/dafpipeline/PromotionServlet                       — CORE COMMERCE
    /atg/dynamo/servlet/dafpipeline/CommerceCommandServlet     — CORE COMMERCE
        dynamo-internal/html : /atg/dynamo/servlet/dafpipeline/FileFinderServlet

    How to load ATG component on Server startup?

    When you start up an application, Nucleus reads the configuration path. The out-of-the-box DAS module has (/DAS/config/config.jar/ component.

    Component path: /nucleus/
    # the default initially resolved service

    The initialServiceName property instructs Nucleus to configure and start up its initial service using

    Component path: /nucleus/Initial
    Configuration: /nucleus/Initial/?propertyName=serviceConfiguration

    In nucleus, to start any custom component at start up(when ATG server starts), Layer /nucleus/ as below:


    ATG - How to enable priceLists to store prices?

    Oracle Commerce users do not have a price list functionality available by default. By default prices are stored directly in the product catalog and OOTB configured using below component.

    Component Path: /atg/commerce/pricing/ItemPricingEngine
    Configuration:   /atg/commerce/pricing/ItemPricingEngine/?propertyName=serviceConfiguration


    How to enable priceLists? 
    To add price list functionality, configure the ItemPricingEngine to use the appropriate precalculator. 
    Here is how you can override ItemPricingEngine component:
    Component Path: /atg/commerce/pricing/ItemPricingEngine


    This means the prices are retrieved from the PriceLists repository 
    Price Lists created through BCC 
    Price can be defined at Product, SKU or Product/SKU pairing

    ATG User Profile Basics

    OOTB ATG Manages user profiles with a SQL repository
    SQL Repository Component : /atg/userprofiling/ProfileAdapterRepository
    Definition File: /atg/userprofiling/userProfile.xml
    Current user represented using Profile component (/atg/userprofiling/Profile) and exposes all the properties from the userProfile.xml

    There are two types of users:
    1) External Users

                Web Site registered users and are stored in ProfileAdapterRepository
    2) Internal Users

            Company users who need access to BCC, CSC etc.. and are stored in InternalProfileRepository

    Profile Repository definition file layering: (/atg/userprofiling/ProfileAdapterRepository/?propertyName=definitionFiles)


    Component path: /atg/userprofiling/ProfileFormHandler/
    This component helps to create, update, login, logout, change password etc…

    Various methods available are:
    • handleCreate()
    • handleUpdate()
    • handleCancel()
    • handleDelete()
    • handleLogin()
    • handleLogout()
    • handleChangePassword()
    How to create a new user?
    Here is a code snippet:


    How to check if user is logged in or Anonymous?
    Using /atg/userprofiling/Profile.transient property. It returns false, if the Profile is saved. Otherwise true will be returned.


    ATG Shopping Cart Basics

    User can use Product Page or Cart page to perform below actions:
    1. Add Item(s) to the cart
    2. Remove Item from the cart
    3. Change quantity of item(s)
    4. Delete item(s) from the cart
    How to add item(s) to the cart?
    • OOTB ATG provides request scope CartModifierFormHandler component with pre-build methods for add, update, delete etc..
    • Component path : /atg/commerce/order/purchase/CartModifierFormHandler

    What happens when user adds item(s) to the cart?
    • When SKUs are added to the order, they become CommerceItem objects
    • CommerceItem Object represent each line item in the order
    • Order may contain many commerce items object
    How to check the order object and commerce Items?
    •    ShoppingCart is session scoped component  (/atg/commerce/ShoppingCart)
    •    ShoppingCart uses OrderHolder Class to hold multiple orders
    •    At any given point only one Order will be active
    •    ShoppingCart holds current, saved and last orders
    •    Current Order object can be accessed by using either ShoppingCart.current or CartModifierFormHandler.order

    ATG Component layering and how it works?

    The config files (.properties) are layered in ATG. If the same .property files is present in modules which are dependent, then it will merge the property values.

    Scenario #1:
    Module A has with values name and age and depends on Module B which has with age and address.

    When Module A component is involved it takes the values of age (overridden in A) and name from of A and address from of B.

    Scenario #2:
    Multi value property
    #1 in the config of component contains

                  vehicles=car, bike
   in the localconfig contains
    Then when this is used in the jsp then only bus is selected.

    #2 To add all items, then, we need to use the below notation in the overridden file:

    #3 If we need car and bus and bike to be removed then, we need to use the below notation in the overridden file:


    ATG Order Reprice and How it works?

    When Order reprice is typically called?
    The Order is typically repriced after the following actions: 
    • Item is added to the cart 
    • Item is removed from the cart 
    • Quantity is changed on items in the cart 
    • User specifies a shipping address or shipping method and pushes "Checkout" button
    How to do repricing on Order?
    Use /atg/commerce/order/purchase/RepriceOrderDroplet to invoke repricing on order:

    How it works behind the scenes?
    Each time the code reprices the order, the ATG Promotions associated with the user's Profile are considered.
    • Fetch all of the Promotions/Discounts that the user is eligible for:
      • (Global + Individual Promotions) minus Promotions they don't qualify for
    • Calculate the price of each individual item on the order
      • Apply Item Level Discounts
    • Calculate the order total price(discounted item prices + shipping price)
      • Apply Order Level discounts
    • Calculate the shipping price
      • Apply Shipping Discounts
    • Generate a total price
    Few scenarios when Order reprice is not working:
    If you don't see your order getting repriced as you expected (the discount isn't being related), these are some things to check on:
    • Was the repricing code called yet?
    • Was the Promotion successfully added to the Profile?
    • Was the Promotion represented correctly in the repository?  

    ATG - Promotions 101

    What is Promotion?
    A Promotion is an item created in the BCC that contains information about a possible discount that some (or all) users on your site may be able to get. Promotions specify a discount amount, and a conditional rule.

    There are two types of Promotions:
     1) Global 

    • Automatically granted to all users
    •  If order qualifies, discount is given
     2) Individual 
    • Not automatically granted to all users
    • Something (typically a Scenario) has to grant the Promotion to the user before they can get the discount
    What happens at User "Profile" component level?
    • When a user comes to your site, ATG will create a "Profile" component for this user. 
    • This ATG Profile component sticks around for the entire user session. It goes away when the user terminates their session. 
    • This Profile contains a property called "activePromotions" – this is a list of 0 or more Promotions that this user has been given. 
    • Each time your order is repriced, the code looks in Profile.activePromotions plus all Global Promotions to see which promotions the user is eligible for and reprices the order accordingly.

     How a user gets promotion(s)?
    •  If you create a Global Promotion, all users will automatically be given the Promotion (remember: they may not qualify – but it is always in their list of "possible promotions")
    •  If you create an Individual Promotion, the associated Promotion must first be "given" to the user. If the Individual Promotion is not in the Profile.activePromotions property, the user will not get the discount even if they qualify.
    • If a Scenario adds a Promotion to the user's Profile.activePromotions property, but the user doesn't actually qualify for it, a discount will not be given when the order is repriced
    There are a number of ways Individual Promotions can be granted to the user. 
    Commonly used one's are:
    1. Scenarios   -  Create a Scenario such as: If is >= 50$, give user promotion: 10Off50, or if user logs in, and Profile.age > 62 and today is Wednesday, then give user a 20SeniorWednesday promotion 
    2. Coupons - User enters a coupon code associated with Promotion 10Off50. The Promotion is added to Profile.activePromotions

    ATG Repository queries using dyn/admin

    Product Catalog
    Component: /atg/commerce/catalog/ProductCatalog/

    Profile Adapter Repository
    Component: /atg/userprofiling/ProfileAdapterRepository/

    Order Repository
    Component:  /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository/

    ATG Component scope

    Component Scope:
    1) global
    2) session
    3) request

    global can access only global
    session can access session and global
    request can access request, session and global


    - Default scope 
    - Its instance is shared by users across all the sessions that exist for the application (Not similar to application scope of J2EE as global scope components are accessible across application but across ATG server instances)
    - Any user which accesses the application can change the values of a global scoped component

    - A separate instance is provided for each session or user
    - Session by default valid for 30 mins

    How to track and manage user sessions?
    Use component:  /atg/dynamo/servlet/sessiontracking


    Ex: OOTB Session based component /atg/userprofiling/Profile


     - Each request gets own copy of component
    - A new instance will be generated for the component
    - Formhandler is always request scoped

    Single Sign-on : ATG and Endeca

    Single sign-on (SSO) is a session and user authentication service that permits a user to use one set of login credentials (e.g., name and password) to access multiple applications. 

    In Oracle 11.x, SSO is provided as an alternative to third-party SSO solutions. It integrates authentication for Endeca Workbench and the ATG Business Control Center, allowing a user to switch between tools without encountering additional login screens.

    There will be dedicated ATG server instance where SSO and DPS.InternalUsersmodules included.

    SSO module includes a web application that manages the single-sign on process. The Commerce SSO makes use of ticket granting tickets and service tickets algorithm.

    In ATG pipeline, /atg/sso/servlet/SSODispatcherServlet component is added to dispatch requests to other servlets that provide the five SSO server functions

    Here are five Functions:
    1) login  - Manages the process of authenticating the user and issuing a service ticket

    2) validate - Manages the process of validating requests based on the status of service tickets

    3) keepAlive - Ensures that an SSO session remains active as long as there is activity in either the Business Control Center or the Workbench

    4) control  - Handles configuration of the client logout URL (Only accessed by Endeca plug-in)

    5) logout - Manages the process of deleting any tickets associated with the session and then redirecting to the login page

    How to Integrate Workbench with Commerce SSO?
    1) Go to  


    2) Set com.endeca.webstudio.useSSO to true  


    3) Uncomment following properties and update SSO box host and port details


    The Commerce SSO server uses ATG internal profile repository and does not automatically publish changes to the Endeca Workbench. Make sure each ATG user profile must have a corresponding workbench user with the same name.

    How record sorting and relevance ranking works?

    There are three ways of controlling the order in which records are returned:
    1) Explicit sort key using Ns parameter
    2) Default sort using Dgidx flag
    3) Relevancy Ranking

    The priority of record sorting/relevance ranking is as follows:

    1) If none of the above  sorting methods is specified then Endeca uses order of internal ID generated by Dgidx during indexing

    2) If Sort key is used(Ns parameter) then sort key overrides all other sorting and relevance ranking settings

    3) If a default sort key is specified then records are returned in default sort order(Ties are broken using the internal order by Dgidx)

    4) When searching against a search interface relevance ranking strategy is used(ties are broken using the default sort key and if no sort key then ties are broken using the internal order by Dgidx)

    5) MDEX Engine query with relevance ranking parameter (overrides any relevance ranking strategies configured in the search interface)