Tips to Improve performance of ATG-Endeca integration environment (Version 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)

1) Make Sure below patch is applied
 Patch 17342677  - It reduces the number of supplemental objects that are returned with the queries and fixes an XML Parser locking problem.

2) Check the properties being returned by Endeca ( Apply Endeca setSelection feature)
     In Assembler, you can select which properties are returned back with the search results
     Include only properties that are required on the application. Here is the ATG component path
 Refer - 

3) Disable Endeca preview on Production
Use/dyn/admin/nucleus/atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/manager/AssemblerSettings/ component and  set previewEnabled = false

4) Configure records Per Aggregate Record set to 1
   # For aggregate records, sets the number of sub records that should be included in the results

5) Ensure non-Endeca URLs don’t hit Assembler
Use /atg/endeca/assembler/AssemblerPipelineServlet.ignoreRequestURIPattern component to set URL patterns



  1. How to verify Patch 17342677 is correctly installed ?

    To verify that the patch was correctly installed, make sure the request logs start including the following with the requests: &merchrulefilter=endeca.internal.nonexistent

    Is there any other verification step ?

  2. Hi Sandeep,

    OOTB there is no flag for turning supplemental objects on/off. Above patch will add a merch rule filter that will have the effect of turning them off. You can test this patch success by testing &merchrulefilter=endeca.internal.nonexistent parameter in the Dgraph request log. If you are not getting this in request param then check endeca_assembler-3.1.1.jar in below directories:

    1) ATG - /DAF/Endeca/Assembler/lib.
    2) $ENDECA_TOOLS_ROOT/assembler/lib
    3) $ENDECA_TOOLS_ROOT/server/webapps/EndecaBrowser/WEB-INF/lib
    4) $ENDECA_TOOLS_ROOT/server/webapps/
    i. Unpack the EndecaBrowser-3.1.1.war at $ENDECA_TOOLS_ROOT/server/webapps/
    ii. Update endeca_assembler-3.1.1.jar at WEB-INF/lib under extracted folder.
    iii. Pack it again as war.

