Endeca Record Aggregation - Rollup key and Benefits

Endeca Record Aggregation (Rollup) allows developers to do below two things:         
       1)  On Listing page, results can be rolled up based on a shared property or dimension value
       2)  On Product Details Page,  all aggregated records can be requested

Benefits of Record Aggregation (Rollup):
        1)  Avoid multiple records that are essentially same
              Ex: On search item with 5 sizes and 5 colors will return 25 results instead of 1 record
        2)  Organize a record list based on a common value
               Ex: A list of unique SKU’s grouped by Product
        3)  Avoid losing precision from consolidation
               Ex: Each unique SKU has a Unique inventory state 

How to define Rollup key?  
Refer -  http://ravihonakamble.blogspot.com/2015/07/oracle-commerce-11x-how-to-define.html

Endeca aggregated records in JSP reference application:


  1. Hey Ravi, Do you think we can bring in order while rolling up ? Say maintain the SKU order given in BCC( have a sequence number) , and while getting the aggregated records use the same order instead of randomness.

    1. Hi Esha,

      OOTB Endeca does not honor BCC order and you need to have customization. We did this for few customers and it is big effort.

